
Shannon Wilson
In Memory of
Shannon Kathleen
1971 - 2015
Memorial Candle Tribute From
Burpee, Carpenter & Hutchins Funeral Home
"We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family."
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Killer Hornets

Shannon and I (with five to six kids in tow) would escape to her camp (the old one) with the outhouse and the biggest frigin' wolf spiders in Maine.  Also the worst smell anyone had to endure while staying while using the outhouse.  But we loved it because it made us smile, something she and I lost along the way with life in general!  So we ended up at camp in the summer to find that some person stole all of the copper wiring in the camp to leave it unlivable. Nice right?  However we called Dad to explain what had happen and try to figure out what to?  He suggested a friend cabin in the same area.  What a relief it was that no one was staying there.  So we drove over to see what this cabin would be like.  It could be no worse than her dad's but you never know in Brownville.  We drove up seeing a small pond and gazebo and a really NICE cabin.  We  both get out of the cars and look at each other in amazement that this cant' be the cabin?  It was!  It was so nice.  Running water, heat (if needed), movies (VHS I might add) however who cares, IT HAD RUNNING WATER AND A WORKING BATHROOM!  BEST DAY EVER!  So we unloaded and started to enjoy our weekend.  Shannon and I made our usual drinks and decided to sit in the gazebo to enjoy our already interesting weekend.  While sitting there taliking and chatting we watched the kids play.  Skyler, Avery, and Emma runnning around the pond while Caleb and Jacob, and Caleb friend, who I forgot his his name, sorry (who also had a cast on his wrist that was broken) were paddling around in a paddle boat.  All having a grand time while two parents chilled out with great conversation.  All of a sudden KIDS STARTED SCREAMING!!!! What in the world is going on?  We saw Caleb, his friend, and Jacob jump out out the boat and start swimming towards us.  Skyler, Avery, and Emma started crying and running towards us. What is going on?  The three younger ones had stirred up a mud wasp nest around the pond and they all went into attack mode, attacking every child.  Shannon and I sobbered up so quick and rushed them all into the house.  We started making everyone get undressed because the wasp were in all of their clothes, still stinging them.  Some hopped into the shower to rinse them away.  I saw body parts only parents should see however getting the wasp off them were more important.  Benedryl became everyone best friend that night and not long after them drinking it, they all passed out with bumps all over their bodies and calamine lotion indicating all the stings that they indured that evening.  Shannon and I had one of the most interesting day ever.  One I will never forget and the fact that Avery is still petrified of bees and wasp to this day. Makes me smile because it reminds me of that day always.


Posted by Shelly Nichols
Monday November 9, 2015 at 8:16 pm
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